Home > Company News > The air supply mode and application field of cloth bag air duct air supply system

The air supply mode and application field of cloth bag air duct air supply system

  The bag-type Air Duct air supply system is widely used in various fields of industry, especially in places where the uniformity of air temperature and air quality are more stringent. Its applications mainly involve food processing, frozen warehouses, storage equipment production, pharmaceutical production, clean room environment, large-scale production enterprises and so on.
At the same time, with the increase of the color of the duct, the advantages of outstanding personality design ability continue to be reflected, and the application of the duct has gradually expanded to low-space supermarket places, large-space retail commercial places, sports places, schools with high comfort requirements and other public places and residential places.
Bag type air duct air supply system has permeation, small hole air supply, nozzle air supply and other air supply modes, different air supply modes have their own different working characteristics and air flow organization, to meet the special requirements of different occasions for air conditioning systems.
Fabric air ductwind tube fabric

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